Dan Raymer’s Aircraft Design Bookstore

Raymer’s Recommended Books For Aircraft Design

The technical books below have proven useful during years of aircraft conceptual design experience in industry and during the writing of AIRCRAFT DESIGN: A Conceptual Approach, the RDS design software, and Dan Raymer’s Simplified Aircraft Design for Homebuilders. I actually own almost every one of them and use them often. As to the non-technical books such as Living In The Future which are suggested below….even nerdy engineers need some fun and relaxation! For books not listed here, you can search yourself on Amazon.com.

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Aircraft Design : A Conceptual Approach
Daniel P. Raymer / Hardcover / 7th Ed. Published 2024 (click here for more info)
Raymer says: Well of course I’d put this first! That’s why I wrote it.

Theory of Wing Sections
Ira H. Abbott, Albert E. Von Doenhoff (Contributor)
Raymer says: THE book for NACA airfoil data, also a nice theory overview.

Fluid Dynamic Drag
Sighard F. Hoerner; Hardcover
Raymer says: Another must-have. What’s the drag? Check Hoerner.

Airplane Performance Stability and Control
Courtland D. Perkins, Robert E. Hage / Paperback / Published 1949
Raymer says: This book seems to have been a key source book for most later books on these topics. I still use it often.

Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls Pt. 1
J. Roskam / Published 1982
Raymer says: The best overall book for practical S&C estimation, and has many of the key DATCOM charts useful for aero and S&C calculations. It also has the huge S&C equations written out in an understandable format.

Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures
E. F. Bruhn; Hardcover
Raymer says: Every designer and structural analyst has a copy of this huge book. It has all the methods, all the data, all the…but sometimes they are hard to find!

Airframe Structural Design
Michael Niu; Hardcover
Raymer says: As complete as Bruhn, better organized, and more up-to-date.

Aircraft Landing Gear Design : Principles and Practices
Norman S. Currey / Hardcover / Published 1988
Raymer says: A very complete and modern treatment of the subject.

Airplane Design, Parts 1-8
Roskam Staff / Hardcover / Published 1989
Raymer says: It will take you 10 years to acquire this much aircraft design data – buy it instead. If on a tight budget, get parts IV, V, & VI first.

Jane’s All The World’s Aircraft 2009-2010
P. Jackson – editor / Hardcover
Raymer says: Another must-have, even at such a high price. Jane’s has the authoritative data on existing aircraft for empirical correlations and help with the “where do I start?” for a new design.

Jane’s All The World’s Aircraft 2006-2007
P. Jackson – editor / Hardcover
Raymer says: If a new Jane’s is too expensive, get a used one a few years old.

Jane’s All The World’s Aircraft 2001-2002
P. Jackson – editor / Hardcover
Raymer says: Or even older….

…and of course, you must get the next four titles!

Aircraft Design : A Conceptual Approach
Daniel P. Raymer / Hardcover / 6th Ed. Published 2018 (click here for more info)
An AIAA best-seller, in use around the world. Has sold 60,000+ copies and received the Excellence Award from the Aviation/Space Writers Association and the AIAA Summerfield Book Award. Peter Garrison reviewed it in Flying Magazine and recommended it as the best book for learning how to design an airplane.

RDSwin-Student : Software for Aircraft Design, Sizing and Performance (Windows Version 10)
Daniel P. Raymer / Paperback & CD/ Published 2019 (click here for more info)
The Student’s version of the RDSwin aircraft design software, with a user-friendly implementation of the methods of the book including built-in CAD module for design layout plus aerodynamics, weights, propulsion, sizing, range, performance, and cost calculations.
Click here to order Raymer’s textbook and software directly from the publisher (AIAA)

Dan Raymer’s Simplified Aircraft Design for Homebuilders
Daniel P. Raymer / Softcover / Published 2002 (click here for more info)
The title says it all – simplified methods based on industry experience, easy-to-follow procedures, and extensively illustrated. Also, it’s a lot of fun. Any high school graduate or equivalent should have no trouble. Flying Magazine’s Peter Garrison recommends it as the first aircraft design book that a homebuilder should acquire.

Living In The Future: The Education and Adventures of an Advanced Aircraft Designer
Daniel P. Raymer/ Paperback / Published 2009 (click here for more info)
Raymer’s education and experiences in the field of aircraft advanced design. A non-technical, easy, and humorous read, favorably reviewed in Flying Magazine by Peter Garrison.

The Anatomy of the Aeroplane
Darrol Stinton / Paperback / Published 1999

The Design of the Aeroplane
Darrol Stinton / Paperback / Published 1985
Raymer says: Stinton has a readable style, with more of a European, General-Aviation focus full of practical information.

Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design
E. Torenbeek / Hardcover / Published 1982
Raymer says: A must-have for transport-oriented designers.

Modern Aircraft Design, Vol 1
M. Hollmann/ Paperback / Published 1986
Raymer says: Good technical approach to design of general aviation & homebuilt aircraft, lots of data and Basic program listings.

The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft
D. Kuchemann / Published 1978
Raymer says: A somewhat-theoretical book on aerodynamic design, quite useful and illuminating.

Design for Flying
David B. Thurston / Hardcover / Published 1987
Raymer says: Focused more on the pilot and flying aspects of design – interesting reading.

Airplane Design, Parts 1-8
Roskam Staff / Hardcover / Published 1989
Raymer says: It will take you 10 years to acquire this much aircraft design data – buy it instead. If on a tight budget, get parts IV, V, & VI first.

Airplane Design Part 1: Preliminary Sizing of Airplanes

Airplane Design Part 2: Preliminary Configuration Design and Integration of Propulsion

Airplane Design Part 3: Layout Design of Cockpit Fuselage Wing and Empennage: cutaways and inboard profiles

Airplane Design Part 4: Layout Design of Landing Gear and Systems

Airplane Design Part 5: Component Weight Estimation

Airplane Design Part 6: Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic Thrust and Power

Airplane Design Part 7: Determination of Stability Control and Performance Characteristics

Airplane Design Part 8: Airplane Cost Estimation Design Development and Manufacturing

Introduction to Aircraft Design (Cambridge Aerospace, 11) J. Fielding / Paperback (also available in Hardcover) / Published 1999
Raymer says: I’ve ordered a copy – Fielding knows design and is an interesting speaker so his book is sure to be tops. Hope he doesn’t take too many sales from me!

Civil Jet Aircraft Design L. Jenkinson, et. al. / Hardcover / Published 1999
Raymer says: New transport-oriented design book, lots of up-to-date information.

Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft S. Jackson/ Hardcover / Published 1997
Raymer says: Transport-oriented design book by a designer from Douglas Aircraft – considers the aircraft as a whole rather than a collection of parts

.Fundamentals of Sailplane DesignF. Thomas/ Hardcover / Published 1999
Raymer says: A new translation from the German – world leaders in competition sailplane design.

Perspectives in Aerospace DesignConrad F. Newberry/ Hardcover / Published 1991 Raymer says: A good collection of design-related AIAA papers.

Jane’s All The World’s Aircraft 2001-2002P. Jackson – editor / Hardcover Raymer says: Another must-have, even at such a high price. Jane’s has the authoritative data on existing aircraft for empirical correlations and help with the “where do I start?” for a new design.

Complete Encyclopedia of World AircraftD. Donald / Hardcover Raymer says: Similar to Jane’s, with less data on each plane but with old as well as current aircraft. I use both.

World Encyclopedia of Aero Engines : All Major Aircraft Power Plants, from the Wright Brothers to the Present Day B. Gunston/ Hardcover 1998Raymer says: Good data on engines.

Aircraft Landing Gear Design : Principles and Practices Norman S. Currey / Hardcover / Published 1988 Raymer says: A very complete and modern treatment of the subject.

Tailless Aircraft in Theory and Practice Karl Nickel, et al / Hardcover / Published 1994
Raymer says: A very interesting presentation of the design of one subclass of aircraft.

Helicopter Theory W. Johnson / Paperback / Published 1994
Raymer says: Very complete book by former NASA-Ames researcher, but quite theoretical, as the title says.

Military Helicopter Design Technology R. W. Prouty / Hardcover / Published 1998

Standard Aircraft Handbook L. W. Reithmaier / Paperback / Published 1991
Raymer says: Good reference book for aircraft design and construction covering materials, fasteners, fittings, etc… with lots of illustrations. And, it’s cheap!

AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers GuidePaperback / Published 1998
Raymer says: Great data – this design handbook is worth having.

Space Vehicle Design Michael D. Griffin, James R. French / Hardcover / Published 1991 Raymer says: Must-have for designers of launch vehicles, spacecraft, and reentry vehicles.

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics
Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, and Jerry E. White/1971
Raymer says: Excellent presentation of astrodynamics and spaceflight performance calculation.

Basics of R/C Model Aircraft Design : Practical Techniques for Building Better Models
A. Lennon/ Paperback / Published 1996
Raymer says: Don’t tell anyone I said so, but this is actually a pretty good book for learning about the design of real airplanes too! And, remember Flight of the Phoenix

Next-Generation Attack Fighter : Design Tradeoffs and Notional System Concepts
Daniel P. Raymer / Paperback / Published 1996
Raymer says: Typical of industry and government requirements studies for the next “whatever”.

Innovations in Aircraft Construction : Thirty-Seven Influential Designs
Hans Redemann / Hardcover / Published 1992
Raymer says: An interesting historical book that also teaches a lot about technology.

The Design of Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman Raymer says: A fun book about the design of a wide variety of things, from door knobs to the controls of nuclear power plants. .

AIAA Case Studies in Aircraft Design:
Raymer says: The insider story of major aircraft development programs. These are my favorites:

Lockheed C-5 : Case Study in Aircraft Design

Gossamer Condor and Albatross : A Case Study in Aircraft Design

British Aerospace Harrier: Case Study in Aircraft Design

Northrop F-5: Case Study in Aircraft Design

The De Havilland Family of STOL Commuter Aircraft: Case Study in Aircraft Design

Theory of Wing Sections
Ira H. Abbott, Albert E. Von Doenhoff (Contributor)
Raymer says: THE book for NACA airfoil data, also a nice theory overview.

Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data – Vol. 1

Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data – Vol. 2

Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data – Vol. 3
Michael S. Selig, et al / Paperback / 1996-1997
Raymer says: Excellent and complete data – I’ve had an earlier version for many years.

Comprehensive Reference Guide to Airfoil Sections for Light Aircraft
Staff of Aviation Publications/ Paperback / 1982
Raymer says: Dimensions, graphs & data for ~500 airfoils.

Fluid Dynamic Drag
Sighard F. Hoerner / Hardcover
Raymer says: Another must-have. What’s the drag? Check Hoerner.

Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance
Chuan-Tau Edward Lan / Hardcover / Published 1981
Raymer says: This is a lesser-known book that I find I refer to a lot for an understandable overview of theory plus lots of data and estimation methods for aerodynamics and performance. It also has a nice section on propeller thrust calculations.

Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies
Holt Ashley & Marten Landahl
Raymer says: A thorough theoretical treatment.

Thrust and Drag : Its Prediction and Verification (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol 98)
Eugene E. Covert(Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1985
Raymer says: This underappreciated book is full of useful methods for jet propulsion and aerodynamics analysis.

Fundamentals of Flight
Richard S. Shevell / Hardcover / Published 1989
Raymer says: Useful introduction and overview.

Wing Theory
Robert T. Jones / Hardcover / Published 1990
Raymer says: Quite theoretical, but interesting. Sit at the feet of the master!

Boundary-Layer Theory
Hermann Schlichting
Raymer says: A classic theoretical treatment of the subject.

Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics
Barnes McCormic, Barnes W., Jr. McCormick / Paperback / Published 1994
Raymer says: Good treatment of these subjects.

Foundations of Aerodynamics : Bases of Aerodynamic Design
Arnold M. Kuethe, Chuen-Yen Chow / Hardcover / Published 1997
Raymer says: Another book to pull out when looking for a quick but good answer.

More Helicopter Aerodynamics
R. W. Prouty / Paperback / Published 1999
Raymer says: Aerodynamics complement to Prouty’s excellent helicopter performance book (see below).

Rotary-Wing Aerodynamics
W. Z. Stepniewski / Paperback / Published 1984
Raymer says: Aerodynamics book, but lots on design & performance.

Aerodynamics of the Helicopter
A. Gessow & G. Myers Jr./ Paperback / Published 1967
Raymer says: A well-known classic.

Airplane Aerodynamics & Performance
Jan Roskam / Paperback / Published 1997
Raymer says: Another Roskam book full of good data and methods.

Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators
H.H., Jr. Hurt / Paperback / Published 1992
Raymer says: My father used an early version of this at test pilot school in the 1960’s- it is still a well written and understandable introduction to aerodynamics – and not just for naval aviators.

Theory of Flight
Richard Von Mises, Richard Von Mises
Raymer says: Good performance methods.

Introduction to Flight
John D. Anderson / Hardcover / Published 1988
Raymer says: Good introductory book.

Aircraft Performance and Design
John D. Anderson / Hardcover / Published 1998
Raymer says: Another good book by Anderson.

Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
John J. Bertin / Hardcover / Published 1993
Raymer says: Another AIAA book addressing a technical subspeciality – must-have if you are in that field.

Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing
William H. Rae, Alan LaMont Pope (Contributor) / Paperback / Published 1984
Raymer says: This is an update of the great and classic Wind Tunnel Testing book by Pope, covering wind tunnnel design, instrumentation, test procedures, and data reduction and correction. If you get anywhere near a wind tunnel, have this book!

Airplane Performance Stability and Control
Courtland D. Perkins, Robert E. Hage / Paperback / Published 1949
Raymer says: This book seems to have been a key source book for most later books on these topics. I still use it often.

Flight Stability and Automatic Control
Robert C. Nelson / Hardcover / Published 1998
Raymer says: A good S&C book, broad and readable.

Flying Qualities and Flight Testing of the Airplane
Darrol Stinton / Paperback / Published 1998

Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls Pt. 1
J. Roskam / Published 1982

Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls Part II
J. Roskam / Hardcover / Published 1992

Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls Pt. 1 and 2
J. Roskam / Paperback / Published 1992
Raymer says: The best overall book for practical S&C estimation, and has many of the key DATCOM charts useful for aero and S&C calculations. It also has the huge S&C equations written out in an understandable format.

Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight
Bernard Etkin/ Hardcover / Published 1972 (last edition)
Raymer says: Another classic S&C book, once widely used. Now out-of-print, but used copies are often available at Amazon for about $65

Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control
Bernard Etkin & Lloyd Reid (contributor)/ Hardcover / Published 1995
Raymer says: In-print updating of Etkin

Airplane Stability and Control : A History of the Technologies That Made Aviation Possible
M. Abzug & E. Larrabee/ Hardcover/ Published 1997
Raymer says: Interesting historical presentation of the development of airplane stability and control..

Helicopter Performance, Stability, & Control
R. W. Prouty / Paperback / Published 1995
Raymer says: My favorite helicopter book. Very complete.

Aircraft Structures
David J. Peery; Hardcover
Raymer says: One of several good structures books I pull out when I need an answer, explanation, or method.

Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures
E. F. Bruhn; Hardcover
Raymer says: Every designer and structural analyst has a copy of this huge book. It has all the methods, all the data, all the…but sometimes they are hard to find!

Airframe Structural Design
Michael Niu; Hardcover
Raymer says: As complete as Bruhn, better organized, and more up-to-date.

Airframe Stress Analysis & Sizing
Michael C.Y. Niu; Hardcover
Raymer says: Another good structures book by Niu, more on analysis and structural sizing.

Composite Airframe Structures
Michael C.Y. Niu; Hardcover
Raymer says: Composites structure book by Niu, very well done.

Practical Stress Analysis for Design Engineers: Design & Analysis of Aerospace Vehicle Structures
J. Flabel/ Hardcover / 1997
Raymer says: Comes highly recommended as a practical approach for engineers & non-engineers.

Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain
W. Young & R. Budynas (original author R. Roark) / Hardcover / 2001
Raymer says: The original Roark version is a classic – I have and still use the 1938 first edition. I’ve ordered this update.

Peterson’s Stress Concentration Factors
W. Pilkey/ Hardcover / 1997
Raymer says: Another updated classic.

Understanding Aircraft Composite Construction : Basics of Materials and Techniques for the Non-Engineer
Z. Smith / Paperback / 1996
Raymer says: Composites structure book for designers and builders, aimed more at homebuilts.

Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
M. Hyer & S. White; Hardcover / 1997

Theory of Elasticity
Stephen Timoshenko / Hardcover / Published 1970
Raymer says: Timoshenko is still the master of structural theory – very readable, and begins at the beginning.

Elements of Strength of Materials
S. Timoshenko / Published 1968

Strength of Materials
Stephen Timoshenko / Published 1976

Mechanics of Aircraft Structures
C. T. Sun / Hardcover / Published 1998
Raymer says: C.T. was one of my best professors, and has written a good structures book.

Gust Loads on Aircraft : Concepts and Applications
Frederic M. Hoblit / Hardcover / Published 1988
Raymer says: Good introduction to modern gust loads methods – state space, etc…

Structural Loads Analysis for Commercial Transport Aircraft : Theory and Practice
Ted L. Lomax / Hardcover / Published 1996

Sportplane Construction Techniques : A Builder’s Handbook (Tony Bingelis Ser.))
Tony Bingelis; Paperback
Raymer says: Homebuilders love the Bingelis’ books – easy to read, practical, and complete.

Kitplane Construction
Ronald J. Wanttaja / Hardcover / Published 1996

Composite Construction for Homebuilt Aircraft
Jack Lambie, et al

Aeroelasticity (Dover Science Books)
Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, et al
Raymer says: Another classic, this one for flutter and aeroelasticity.

Innovations in Aircraft Construction : Thirty-Seven Influential Designs
Hans Redemann / Hardcover / Published 1992
Raymer says: An interesting historical book that also teaches a lot about technology.

Aircraft Engine Design
Jack D. Mattingly, William H. Heiser, et al / Published 1987
Raymer says: Great introduction to jet engine design, including the optimization to an aircraft mission.

Jet Engines : Fundamentals of Theory, Design and Operation
Klaus Hunecke , et al / Hardcover / Published 1998
Raymer says: Good introduction to jet engines.

Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion/Book and Disk
William H. Heiser, et al / Hardcover / Published 1993

Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion
Jack D. Mattingly / Hardcover / Published 1996

Practical Intake Aerodynamic Design
E. L. Goldsmith(Editor), J. Seddon (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1993

Tony Bingelis on Engines
Tony Bingelis; Paperback

Firewall Forward
T. Bingelis; Paperback
Raymer says: Homebuilders love the Bingelis’ books – easy to read, practical, and complete.

Radar and Laser Cross Section Engineering
David C. Jenn / Hardcover / Published 1995
Raymer says: Good unclassified introduction for stealth engineers.

Stealth Aircraft : Secrets of Future Airpower
Bill Sweetman / Published 1986
Raymer says: Sweetman is a well-known craftsman of aviation literature, and his review of stealth was pretty good for being done without access to classified information at the time. Still worth reading.

Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber : The Complete History, Technology, and Operational Development of the Stealth Bomber
Bill Sweetman / Published 1992
Raymer says: Nice non-engineers history of the B-2 development.

Have Blue and the F-117a : Evolution of the ‘Stealth Fighter’
D. Aronstein & A. Piccirillo/ Paperback / Published 1997
Raymer says: Insiders’ story of the first operational stealth aircraft development.

The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design
Robert E. Ball / Hardcover / Published 1985
Raymer says: Ball’s book is the modern classic on survivability, including stealth and vulnerability.

Aircraft Airframe Cost Estimating Relationships : Study Approach and Conclusions
Ronald Wayne Hess, H.P. Romanoff / Paperback / Published 1987
Raymer says: This is the famous DAPCA source document – still useful and a good introduction to cost methods.

Advanced Airframe Structural Materials : A Primer and Cost Estimating Methodology
Susan A. Resetar, et al / Paperback / Published 1991
Raymer says: This lesser-known work was a DAPCA follow-on including the impacts of advanced materials on cost. Today its adjustment factors are considered too pessimistic, but the method is still useful.

A Method for Estimating the Cost of Aircraft Structural Modification
J. L. Birkler/Paperback
Raymer says: A RAND method for cost estimation for derivative aircraft, not just limited to structure mods.

Living In The Future: The Education and Adventures of an Advanced Aircraft Designer
Daniel P. Raymer/ Paperback / Published 2009 (click here for more info)
Raymer says: My newest book – my life, education, and experiences in aircraft advanced design.

Roskam’s Airplane War Stories: An Account of the Professional Life and Work of Dr. Jan Roskam
Jan Roskam/ Paperback / Published 2002
Raymer says: Jan has a million great stories about his years in the airplane business – now he has written them down. Great fun – read it!

Kelly: More Than My Share of It All (Hardback)
Kelly: More Than My Share of It All (Paperback)
Clarence L.”Kelly” Johnson and Maggie Smith/1985
Raymer says: The great founding head of the Skunkworks tells its true story.

Burt Rutan: Reinventing the Airplane
V. Rollo; Hardcover / 1991
Raymer says: Another nontechnical but interesting book, about the most prolific and influential designer today.

Donald W. Douglas : A Heart With Wings
W. Morrison ; Hardcover / 1991
Raymer says: Probably the most influential person in the early development of airliners.

Lee Atwood…Dean of Aerospace
Lee Atwood/1980
Raymer says: Legendary head of North American Aviation.

G. Norris & M. Wagner / Hardcover / Published 1998
Raymer says: History of Boeing, tracing the technical lineage of Boeing airplanes. Lots of pictures too.

Visions of a Flying Machine : The Wright Brothers and the Process of Invention
P. Jakab, et al; Paperback

How We Invented the Airplane : An Illustrated History
O. Wright, et al; Paperback Raymer says: They invented the airplane. Find out how.

French Aeroplanes Before the Great War
L. Opdycke; Hardcover / 1999
Raymer says: There is a reason that the English words for many parts of an aircraft are borrowed from French (aileron, fuselage, longeron,…). While the Wrights beat them to a “real” airplane, the French quickly took the lead in early aircraft development – read about it in this well-researched and interesting book.

An Ancient Air : a Biography of John Stringfellow, the Victorian Aeronautical Pioneer
Harald Penrose/2000
Raymer says: Great and nearly-forgotten early genius of aviation.

The Cutting Edge : A Half Century of U.S. Fighter R&D
Mark A. Lorell, et al; Paperback
Raymer says: An exhaustive yet entertaining analysis of the development of jet fighters – what really happened, what was really important in the final analysis.

Bomber R&D Since 1945 : The Role of Experience
Mark A. Lorell, et al; Paperback
Raymer says: Similar study of the development of bombers – how different companies did or didn’t make the transition to the new technologies.

The Gray Threat : Assessing the Next-Generation European Fighters
M. Lorell, M. Kennedy, D. Raymer, et al / Paperback / Published 1995
Raymer says: Good overview of the Gripen, Raphale, and Eurofighter – including technical, political, and programmatic. I mostly wrote the aircraft stuff.

Engineering the F-4 Phantom II : Parts into Systems
G. Bugos/ Hardcover / Published 1996
Raymer says: The story of the design and engineering of the F-4, published by the Naval Institute Press.

XB-70 Valkyrie: The Ride to Vahalla
Jeannette Remak & Joe Ventolo, Jr. / Paperback / Published 1999
Raymer says: As someone trained in aircraft design at North American Rockwell, I still think the B-70 was the pinacle of aircraft design. And, it still looks futuristic 40 years after its conception. These authors seem to love it almost as much as I do!

Advanced Tactical Fighter to F-22 Raptor : Origins of the 21st Century Air Dominance Fighter
D. Aronstein, A. Piccirillo, & M. Hirschberg/ Paperback / Published 1998
Raymer says: Insiders’ story of the major high-tech aircraft development of our time.

Have Blue and the F-117a : Evolution of the ‘Stealth Fighter’
D. Aronstein & A. Piccirillo/ Paperback / Published 1997
Raymer says: Insiders’ story of the first operational stealth aircraft development.

The Lightweight Fighter Program : A Successful Approach to Fighter Technology Transition
D. Aronstein & A. Piccirillo/ Paperback / Published 1997
Raymer says: Story of one of the most fought-against yet most successful aircraft developments in recent history – the F-16. Read all about the “Fighter Mafia”.

F-22 Raptor
Bill Sweetman / Paperback / Published 1998
Raymer says: Sweetman is a well-known craftsman of aviation literature, and his review of the F-22 is well done.

Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber : The Complete History, Technology, and Operational Development of the Stealth Bomber
Bill Sweetman / Published 1992
Raymer says: Ditto the above!

Forever Flying – R.A. “Bob” Hoover
Bob Hoover/1996
Raymer says: Wonderful insider’s stories of flight test, airshows, and his best friend Yeager.

Yeager: An Autobiography
Chuck Yeager/1986
Raymer says: A must-read, and a lot of fun too.

Jackie Cochran: An Autobiography
Jacqueline Cochran and Maryann Bucknum Brinley/1987
Raymer says: The first woman to break the sound barrier – her wingman was Yeager.

Pancho: The biography of Florence Lowe Barnes
Barbara Hunter Schultz / 1996
Raymer says: Another Yeager friend and pioneering female pilot – what a life she led!

Feet Wet: Reflections of a Carrier Pilot
Adm. Paul T. Gillcrist /1997
Raymer says: Excellent and interesting biography of a Navy jet fighter pilot, full of unbelievable but true stories.

Fighter Pilot’s Heaven : Flight Testing the Early Jets
F. Borman, D. Lopez/ Hardcover / Published 1995
Raymer says: It is amazing today how they accepted the number of crashes that occurred in the early days of jets!

General Billy Mitchell Booth Mooney/1968
Raymer says: The story of the man who made the Air Force – and got court martialed for it.

Blazing The Trail: The Early History Of Spacecraft And Rocketry
Mike Gruntman / 2004 Raymer says: Excellent read.

Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon
Mike Gray/1992
Raymer says: A great biography covering Apollo and more.

Chariots for Apollo: The Making of the Lunar Module
Charles R. Pellegrino and Joshua Stoff/1985
Raymer says: Fascinating and Educational.

Flight My Life in Mission Control
Chris Kraft/2002
Raymer says: A NASA great with the inside story of early US manned spaceflight.

Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond
Gene Kranz/2009
Raymer says: Another NASA great – the story of how he saved Apollo 13 while looking good in a vest.

Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship
George Dyson/2003
Raymer says: They were going to power a spaceship with hundreds of A-bombs. It would have worked, too.

Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut
Mike Mullane/ Paperback / Published 2007
Raymer says: I love this book – funny and fascinating. Can NASA really be this screwed up?

Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer
Michael White
Raymer says: Isaac Newton was amazing. He just about invented scientific engineering and did invent both the Laws of Motion and the Calculus upon which all design engineering depends. He even worked to improve the efficiency of the London mint through time-and-motion studies, 200 years before Taylor.

Slacks & Calluses
Constance Reid, Clara Allen, and Sandra Gilbert / Paperback / Published 2004
Raymer says: A warm, funny, and true story about two young women building bombers during WWII.

Books by Malcolm Gladwell:
Raymer says: Gladwell makes me think more than almost anybody writing today. All these books are great. In Outliers, he proposes that the really successful people work way harder than others, accumulating roughly 10,000 hours in their field before reaching success and being lauded for their lucky “gifts.” Sounds right to me…
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Outliers: The Story of Success
What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself
David McRaney /2012
Raymer says: Wow – my brain is that easy to fool? Love this book.

I Is for Influence: The New and Surprising Science of Persuasion
Rob Yeung / 2011
Raymer says: Best explanation I’ve read about why we decide things and how to influence others.

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Super Freakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
Raymer says: Love these books, which lead you down mental trails that you’ve never trod before.

The Art of Systems Architecting (Systems Engineering Series) Eberhardt Rechtin, Mark W. Maier / Hardcover / Published 1996

Systems Architecting : Creating and Building Complex Systems Eberhardt Rechtin / Hardcover / Published 1991
Raymer says: Two books defining and discussing “systems architecting”, a fancy way of saying the invention of complex systems. Very applicable to aircraft conceptual design.

The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business
The Innovator’s Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
Clayton M. Christensen
Raymer says: The problem of innovation in an already-successful company.

Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal
Mark W. Johnson /2010
Raymer says: Insightful look at business strategy in a changing world.

The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition
Steven J. Spear / 2010
Raymer says: Good insights into strategic planning and business management in the modern world.

Reengineering the Corporation
M. Hammer and J. Champy
Raymer says: Best seller (6 million copies) about business reengineering for increased productivity.

The Machine that Changed the World
J. P. Womack et al.
Raymer says: Read this excellent book about the so-called “Japanese” revolution in manufacturing and design. This book has greatly influenced the aircraft design community in such areas as Integrated Product Teams and Lean Production. For a caution about how it should be applied to the conceptual design process, see my paper Lean Production and the Skunk Works Approach to Aircraft Design.

The New Manufacturing Challenge
Kiyoshi Suzaki
Raymer says: Introductiory book about the operations of factories practicing `Just-In-Time’ or `Lean Production’.

One-Piece Flow; Cell Design for Transforming the Production Process
Kenichi Sekine
Raymer says: Another good book on JIT/lean production written for American audiences by a Japanese consultant, with many case studies in various industries.

New Dress for Success
New Women’s Dress for Success
John T. Molloy; Paperback
Raymer says: Practical advice, and believe it or not, one of these books really will help you to get ahead.

Augustine’s Laws
Norman R. Augustine / Hardcover / Published 1997
Raymer says: How the aerospace business really works. Sometimes funnier than Dilbert!

Aviation Humor: Poking Fun At Airplane & Helicopter Pilots
Core F. Keller / Hardcover / Published 2002
Raymer says: The title says it all.

How Lost Is Lost?: Logbook of wacky aviation humor
Core F. Keller / Hardcover / Published 2004
Raymer says: Ditto.

Do Your Ears Pop in Space and 500 Other Surprising Questions about Space Travel
Mike Mullane/ Paperback / Published 1997
Raymer says: Combines scientific explanations, firsthand insights, and hilarious anecdotes

Living In The Future: The Education and Adventures of an Advanced Aircraft Designer
Daniel P. Raymer/ Paperback / Published 2009 (click here for more info)
Raymer says: My life and projects – the really funny stuff wasn’t so funny at the time….

Dilbert books and collections by Scott Adams
Raymer says: I have seen the future, and it is a fabric covered cube.
Dilbert 2.0: 20 Years of Dilbert (Hardcover)
Don’t Step in the Leadership (A Dilbert Book.)
The Joy of Work : Dilbert’s Guide to Finding Happiness at the Expense of Your Co-Workers
Journey to Cubeville (A Dilbert Book.)
The Dilbert Future : Thriving on Business Stupidity in the 21st Century
The Dilbert Principle : A Cubicle’s-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions
Cubes and Punishment: A Dilbert Book
Positive Attitude: A Dilbert Collection
Try Rebooting Yourself: A Dilbert Collection
Dilbert’s Guide To The Rest Of Your Life (Hardcover)
What Would Wally Do?
It’s Not Funny If I Have to Explain It
The Fluorescent Light Glistens Off Your Head
Don’t Stand Where The Comet Is Assumed To Strike Oil
When Body Language Goes Bad
Random Acts Of Management
Words You Don’t Want to Hear During Your Annual Review

3rd Rock from the Sun (DVD):
Raymer says: I have seen the future, and apparently it involves super-advanced technology and super-stupid beings. Nothing like us….
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 1
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 2
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 3
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 4
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 5
3rd Rock from the Sun – Season 6

Futurama (DVD):
Raymer says: I have seen the future, and we engineers should quit while we’re ahead.
Futurama: Vol. 1
Futurama: Vol. 2
Futurama: Vol. 3
Futurama: Vol. 4
Futurama: Vol. 5
Futurama: Vol. 6
Futurama: Vol. 7
Futurama: Vols. 1-4

The Big Bang Theory (DVD):
Raymer says: If you visit this website, you probably already have all of these.
The Big Bang Theory: Season 1
The Big Bang Theory: Season 2
The Big Bang Theory: Season 3
The Big Bang Theory: Season 4
The Big Bang Theory: Season 5
The Big Bang Theory: Season 6
The Big Bang Theory: Complete

Seasons 1-5 Mythbusters(DVD):
Raymer says: Better test engineers than most people with engineering degrees – and funnier
Mythbusters: Season 1
Mythbusters: Season 2
Mythbusters: Season 3
Mythbusters: Season 4
Mythbusters: Season 5
Mythbusters: Season 6
Mythbusters: Season 7
Mythbusters: Complete Seasons 1-6

The Twilight Zone (DVD):
Raymer says: Still fascinating, spooky, and thought-provoking.
The Twilight Zone: Season 1
The Twilight Zone: Season 2
The Twilight Zone: Season 3
The Twilight Zone: Season 4
The Twilight Zone: Season 5
The Twilight Zone: Complete Collection

Engineer Must-Haves:
Raymer says: In case you wear out your old copies.
Star Trek: The Complete Original Series DVD
Star Trek: The Complete Original Series Blu-ray
Star Wars Trilogy (wide screen)
Star Wars Trilogy
Men in Black
Men in Black 2
Men in Black 3
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Doctor Who (series 1-6 box set DVD)
Doctor Who (series 7 DVD)
Doctor Who (series 1-7 box set BluRay)

Sci-Fi Classics by Robert A. Heinlein
Raymer says: The legendary Grand Master, whose entertaining and believable future histories inspired so many of us to pursue science and engineering, and whose intelligence and imagination allowed him to peer into the future of society, literally writing today’s headlines half a century ago. Door Into Summer is a special favorite being a clever time-travel story written in 1956 about a design engineer who develops what today would be called a CAD system, which he names “Drafting Dan.” His story Waldo, about a disabled man who lives in space and invents robotic hands to work with, has provided the common name for today’s remote telemanipulators. Starship Troopers (nothing like the movie) is a slam-bang story of future soldiers. Hugely entertaining, it remains controversial for its militaristic social depictions, but has become the blue-chip standard by which military Sci-Fi stories are judged. Below are some more of my favorites. Caution: Heinlein’s later works starting with Stranger in a Strange Land delved into sexual mores increasingly far from social norms, and are not suitable for children.
The Door Into Summer
Starship Troopers
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Have Space Suit, Will Travel
The Rolling Stones
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Podkayne of Mars
Methuselah’s Children (plus Revolt in 2100)
Orphans of the Sky
Starman Jones
Stranger in a Strange Land
Time Enough for Love

Sci-Fi by Larry Niven (& co-authors)
Raymer says: The almost-as-legendary Niven has written many excellent Sci-Fi novels, mostly based in a consistent setting he calls “Known Space.” His science is well thought out, including depictions of spacecraft using the Interstellar Ramjet as proposed by nuclear scientist Robert W. Bussard. Famously, after the award-winning Ringworld was published, his MIT fans performed detailed calculations which led them to chant “the Ringworld is unstable” at the 1971 Worldcon. Niven’s sequel The Ringworld Engineers included previously-unmentioned stabilizing jets, sized appropriately! His book Protector probably has the most creative explanation for the creation of the human race that has ever been (fictionally) proposed. Some people consider his novel Footfall to be the best alien-invasion story ever written, and (spoiler alert) ends with the construction of an Orion-class atomic spaceship (see above). And yes, all of Niven’s stories are suitable for children, but only very smart ones.
The Ringworld Engineers
The Ringworld Throne
Ringworld’s Children
Three Books of Known Space
World of Ptavvs
Neutron Star
Fleet of Worlds
The Mote in God’s Eye
Lucifer’s Hammer (Pournelle & Niven)

Old Man’s War & other books, by John Scalzi
Raymer says: Best Sci-Fi author since Heinlein and Niven, and maybe better since Scalzi has such a sense of humor. Old Man’s War made me a fan, and the next five are sequels that round out a complicated and action-packed story of humanity fighting for survival in a dangerous universe, without losing what makes us human. Redshirts and Agent to the Stars are both hilarious, carefully crafted books that make you think. The rest are all good reads.
Old Man’s War
The Ghost Brigades
The Last Colony
Zoe’s Tale
The Human Division
The Sagan Diary
Agent to the Stars
Fuzzy Nation
The Android’s Dream
The God Engines

The Flashman Papers, by George MacDonald Fraser
Raymer says: Humorous, slightly risqué, and unintentionally educational historical fictions about a scandalous and cowardly British military hero who accidentally manages to be in every important battle and meet every important figure from 1840 to 1900, from the Charge of the Light Brigade to Custer’s Last Stand, from Queen Victoria to Otto von Bismark to Abraham Lincoln. Where else can you read a hilarious yet technically accurate account of the setting up and launching of a Congreve Rocket? Caution: Sir Flashman is of low morals, a crude womanizer, and speaks in the non-PC vocabulary of an Englishman of the period, so these books are not for children or the easily-offended.
Royal Flash
Flashman’s Lady
Flashman and the Mountain of Light
Flash for Freedom!
Flashman and the Redskins
Flashman at the Charge
Flashman in the Great Game
Flashman and the Angel of the Lord
Flashman and the Dragon
Flashman on the March
Flashman and the Tiger