As it says in Raymer’s Rules, the ability to write a clear and accurate technical report is essential for success in a technical career. The following is a pretty good format for a report on technical work, and will help to guide you in writing one. Right-click here (“save link as”) to download Raymer’s Generic Technical Report Format as a Microsoft Word document file complete with Title Page, Headings, Table of Contents, List of Figures, and References.
Title Page – Title/Author/Organization/Date
(Make it pretty!)
Page length: 1 page
Executive Summary
(Must be able to stand alone! Many will only see this.)
Page length: 1/4-1 page
- What was done
- Why/how
- Key Results (Use pictures, so upper management can understand it)
- DO NOT “cut & paste” executive summary from body of report- restate it freshly
(If the report is for a contract or a class, make it VERY clear up here that the contracted/assigned work was all completed. Don’t make them hunt to see if you did the job. This isn’t a novel – no extra points for a surprise ending!)
(Must be written as if the Executive Summary is NOT there!)
Page length: 1/2-1 page
- What was done/when
- Who/for whom
- Value of results (use)
Page length: 1/2-4 pages
- More detail on why, what else going on affects what you will show
- Define context, set the stage, and get them interested!
Statement of Problem
Page length: 1/2-2 pages
- Succinct definition of problem
- Obviously follows from material in the background section
- Specifically defines and limits the “scope” of the effort.
Page length: 1-10 pages
- Clear & repeatable description of how you tackled the problem.
- Enough information for a knowledgeable person to reproduce the results you are about to present.
Page length: 2-10 pages
- Actual findings, significant output of tests & analysis
- Must be readable, not pages of computer output
- Include problems encountered, believability of results, accuracy estimates.
- Picture = 1,000 words!
Summary & Conclusions
Page length: 1/2-2 pages
- Restate problem, approach, & results (fresh text, not cut-and-paste)
- Conclusions you drew & why
- Utility of results – Subjects for further study
- Emphasize what you want them to remember in 6 months
- Rest of the tables/graphs
- Computer Listings