For Experts and future Experts in Aircraft Configuration Layout – Covers everything from how they lofted the P-51 to the mathematical inner workings of modern CAD systems
Come take the Advanced Follow-On Course for Dr. Raymer’s popular 5-day Aircraft Design Short Course. Developed for those who, like Raymer, actually work in new aircraft configuration layout, this class in configuration Layout and Loft provides an expert’s insight into the subject covering topics such as fuselage layout for minimum drag and cost, wing layout for optimal aerodynamics, and the classical lofting methods upon which current practice is based. The class also discusses modern lofting mathematics as used in Computer-Aided Design systems, and includes advice on the best way to use CAD for aircraft concept design. Topics include:
- Quickly Getting The Design Started
- Configuration Design Graphical Techniques
- Wing & Tail Layout Including Airfoil Interpolation & Flat Wrap
- Aircraft Lofting Methods & Mathematics
- Computer-Aided Configuration Design
- Analytical Geometry, Conics, Splines, Fairing, Bsplines, Nurbs, Surface Fitting, Curve Smoothing, & Parametric Surface Patches
(While normally taught over a two-day period with review of critical material from the 5-day class, this class is sometimes presented as a 1-day intensive course. Check the class announcement for specifics.)

- The Profession Of Design
- Design Case Study
- Required Requirements
- Layout: Step By Step
- Analytical Geometry For Aircraft Loft
- Fuselage Layout & Conics

- Wing / Tail Layout
- Landing Gear Layout
- Mensuration
- Computer Graphics Mathematics
- Geometric Representation
- Survey Of CAD Programs
- Computer-Aided Conceptual Design
Now looking at dates in the April-May 2025 timeframe, in or near Savannah, GA. Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC if you are interested and have suggestions for dates.
Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC for a price quote and schedule availability.
Site Content is Copyright © 2025 by D.Raymer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Copyright includes the Course Outline above, which may NOT be used by others for preparing a class or a request for bids to teach such a class.