Low Drag from Plate to Mouth to Stomach
Enough for 3 cakes – they freeze well so why not?
- 40 oz Cream Cheese (Philly brand seems best)
- 10 oz Sour Cream (I use light, as if that helps to reduce calories!)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup flour
- 5 eggs
- 2 tablespoons vanilla
- 1 tablespoon almond extract
- the secret ingredient – 7 oz Coconut Cream (or 10 oz Coconut milk)
- the optional ingredient – 1 cup golden raisins (soak them 15 minutes first, drain well)
- 3 Pie crusts (store-bought is OK, or make your own – graham cracker crust is traditional but sometime try a flour crust or even fillo dough. Whatever you use, grease 9-inch pans first, then prebake the crusts ~10 minutes at 350 degF then cool). Sometimes I make it without a crust using a glass pan – make sure you grease it well.
Methodology (“Directions”, for you non-engineers)
- Blend (high setting – 5 minutes) eggs, flour, and sugar, whipping lots of air into mixture.
- Slowly blend in (low setting until mixed) cream cheese, coconut cream, vanilla, almond extract, and sour cream.
- Add raisins if desired.
- Mixture should be thick but pour-able (like a good milkshake). If too thick, add milk. If too thin, add more flour.
- Pour into crusts, bake 45 minutes at 300 degF then at 400 degF until top is light brown (watch carefully – it burns quickly!).
- Cool and eat (you can add a fruit topping, but I prefer it “straight”).
Baked and tested 2-01