Short Course: Engineer’s Intro To Management & Business

Based on Dan Raymer’s next book, The Engineer’s Field Guide to Management and Business, coming out ‘soon.’

For Engineers and Scientists moving into Program Management – and beyond!

This excellent short course is aimed at working engineers and scientists who are getting involved in management and business, perhaps with a first appointment as a project manager. A practical and real-world class, it was specifically developed for technical people, and was developed by a technical person – Dr. Raymer – who moved into project management early in his career but still does a lot of technical work to this day. 

The class starts right off with specific skills for project management including planning to the budget, allocating resources, and then running the project and keeping it on-schedule and on-budget. Proposal preparation and the writing of final reports are also covered. 

People management skills are explored including personality types, motivation, team building, and dealing with difficult personalities. A bit of career advice is also included such as care and feeding of bosses, resume building, and if and when to change jobs. 

The class includes a “mini-MBA” presentation of business school topics including company management, strategic planning, fiscal management, profit and loss, accounting, and economics. To avoid boring you to death, these are only done in enough depth to allow you to look at the reports, talk to the experts, and understand why they look so unhappy. But you should know at least this much, and perhaps later you should learn more.

Major topics include: 

Project Management

  • Statement of Work
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Task Flowchart And Schedule
  • Progress and Budget Tracking
  • Program Life Cycle
  • Proposal Preparation
  • Project Reporting
  • Matrix Management

People Management

  • Motivation
  • Personality Types 
  • Communication 
  • Productivity 
  • Team Building
  • Resumes & Hiring

Business Management

  • Business Analysis & Pricing
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Production & Quality Management
  • Cash & Financial Management
  • Product Pricing 
  • Strategic Planning
  • Business Ethics
  • Contracts
  • Patents


  • Working in a Small Startup Company
  • Starting and Running your Own Company

History Of Business

  • How Modern Business Practice Came To Be


  • Macroeconomics
  • Economic Theories
  • Microeconomics


  • Assetts, Liabilities, and Retained Earnings
  • Simplified Bookkeeping 
  • Double-Entry Bookkeeping

The presenter, Dr. Daniel P. Raymer, is well-known as an aircraft designer and the author of the world’s best selling aircraft design textbook, but he has also had an outstanding career in technical management. As detailed in his biography, Living In The Future, Raymer was given a small software project to run after just six weeks in his first job. A year later, he was made Deputy Program Manager for the next generation bomber study. During his 10 years with Rockwell he was the manager or technical lead for many Advanced Design projects, including Head of Air Vehicle Design for X-31. 

Raymer was then recruited to become the Director of Future Missions at the Aerojet Propulsion Research Institute. Two years later he became Director of Advanced Design at Lockheed. After three years there, he started his own company which he has run for the last 30 years. 

In addition to his Masters and Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Raymer earned a Masters in Business Administration in the Entrepreneur and Venture Management Program at the University of Southern California. This was one of the first dedicated programs in Entrepreneurship, and covered the whole field of business startup and management. As a graduation requirement, Raymer developed a detailed startup plan for a company to produce a recreational hovercraft. One of the outside evaluators offered to actually fund it, but Raymer chose to stick with his “day job” – Advanced Design Program Manager at Rockwell/North American Aviation.

Raymer is now completing his next book, The Engineer’s Field Guide to Management and Business, upon which this class is based. 


Not currently scheduled for Public Presentation. Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC to encourage scheduling a public presentation.


Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC for a price quote and schedule availability.

Site Content is Copyright © 2025 by D.Raymer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This includes the Course Outline above, which may NOT be used by others for preparing a class or a request for bids to teach such a class.