RDSwin-Pro Pricing

PRICE AND TERMS: RDSwin-Professional is distributed by Conceptual Research Corporation on a one-time-fee permanent license basis. A yearly-lease option is also available. On-site training is available at extra charge, as is programming support to interface RDS to other design, analysis, and simulation programs. Pricing is as follows:

One-time-fee permanent license (includes printable pdf user’s manual)
Initial Copy – $23,900
Additional Copies – $ 9,900
Subsequent major upgrades are available at 25% of the current permanent license fee
(maintenance upgrades are free)

Yearly Lease Option: 30% of current site license price (all upgrades provided free)
Support Contract – $2,800/year (includes all upgrades)
On-site Installation & Training – $5,000 plus travel expenses (CONUS)

Plus $80 shipping/handling and applicable sales or national taxes
California residents add 9.5%

A $500 processing fee is applied if customer requires additional purchasing or
billing paperwork, requires creating an account on customer’s financial system,
or does not pay by validated check, wire transfer, or money order. If paying via
credit card, add a 5% credit card convenience fee.

To order RDSwin-Professional, please contact: Aircraft Design Research LLC 
phone: 310 577-3773

Notice: With proper inputs the RDSwin-Pro results track well with actual aircraft performance, but neither Aircraft Design Research nor Daniel P. Raymer assume any responsibility for consequential losses associated with the use of RDSwin-Pro in any manner. Other restrictions apply, and are detailed in the license agreement below.


1. Aircraft Design Research LLC and Daniel P. Raymer (“the purveyors”) provide this documentation and the accompanying software for use “as-is” and without any expressed or implied warranty as to accuracy or fitness for any use. The purveyors do not warrant or guarantee the use, or the results of the use, of the software or documentation in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, merchantability, or fitness for any purpose, and assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damage, including without limitation damages caused by the use of this computer program or from the use of information contained therein. The entire risk and performance of the accompanying software is assumed by the user. In no event shall Aircraft Design Research LLC, Daniel P. Raymer, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution, and support of this software be liable for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, nor for any costs or expenses associated with implementing the software to perform any specific purpose, nor for claims by you based upon third-party claims. Aircraft Design Research LLC warrants the program only to be free of material or logical defects that would prevent loading the software onto the user’s Windows-based computer system and running the program. NO OTHER WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION, OR CONDITION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.
2. This software is licensed SOLELY for use in aircraft conceptual design, and may not be used for final design or analysis of existing, modified, or new actual aircraft, including but not limited to the prediction of aerodynamic, weight, propulsion, stability, cost, range, and performance characteristics. No data produced by this software may be used for prediction of flight characteristics of actual aircraft, and this software may not be used to produce flight handbooks or any other information to be used for flight of actual aircraft. Purchaser assumes the liability for the unauthorized use of software results as described above by third parties to whom the purchaser has provided such results. 
3. The original purchaser may make backup copies of the software as needed, which may not be sold, rented, lent, or in any other way transferred to another person or organization. Any attempt to defeat the software protection system incorporated into the software is forbidden.
4. Please note that if this software is licensed for use by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, this license agreement still applies in full. RDS was developed without government funds at private expense and in all respects is proprietary data copyrighted solely to Daniel P. Raymer.