Short Course: Spacecraft & Launch Vehicle Design

The Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle design short course from Dr. Raymer, the former Aerojet Director of Future Missions

After this class you can say, “As a matter of fact, I am a Rocket Scientist!”

This short course does for spacecraft design what Dr. Raymer’s aircraft design short course has long done in that field – provide an entertaining and extensive introduction to the field, with an industry perspective and a cohesive set of design and analysis methods. The class covers the basics of spacecraft and launch vehicle design, orbital mechanics, space and atmospheric flight, propulsion, structures, and systems design. It also includes an entertaining historical perspective and an overview of current launch systems and spacecraft. 

Class Objectives Include:

  • Understanding of basics of space flight 
  • Ability to perform vehicle sizing & trajectory analysis for boost & orbital flight 
  • Definition, derivation, & use of the Rocket Equation 
  • Appreciation of current systems and historical context
  • Introduction to vehicle structure, systems, & guidance
  • Understanding of traditional propulsion concepts including liquid, solid, hybrid, ion & thermal rockets 
  • Introduction to exotic space propulsion concepts such as nuclear, solar sail, and antimatter 
  • Understanding of air-breathing propulsion suitable for initial stages & fly-back boosters
  • Aerodynamics overview including boost-phase lift & drag, hypersonic, & re-entry aero
  • ‘Conversion training’ for aircraft engineers moving into launch vehicle, spacecraft, and hypersonic vehicle design

This informative class evolved from lecture notes Dr. Raymer developed while teaching at NASA-Glenn and earlier at Cal State University-Northridge. It has been presented several times at Boeing’s Delta Launch Vehicle engineering facility and at NASA-Langley, and has been publicly offered at UCLA. The class de-emphasizes the chemistry and thermodynamics aspects of rocketry, instead focusing on the overall vehicle system design process. All material is presented starting from first principles, and should be accessible to anyone with a basic engineering background. After the class, an often-heard comment is, “Wow – that wasn’t even boring!”

Prior participants have said… 

“Raymer is an exceptional professor who provides a very extensive conceptual understanding in a short amount of time.” V. Scribner, Boeing Delta Launch Vehicle Program

“A stimulating, entertaining, and informative course presented with a humorous twist. This course made me a better engineer.” R. Cicone, Boeing Delta Launch Structural Design

“Dr. Raymer’s Spacecraft & Launch Vehicle course left me with a better understanding of how history, physics, configuration and integration have evolved into today’s vehicles. It’s really helped me to understand my job better.” J. Braithwaite, Boeing Thermodynamics Dpt.

“Raymer uses a short, sweet, simple presentation style that follows the KISS principle.” R. Muller, Principal Engineer, Boeing Configuration Management

“It is a very informative course. I recommend everybody working in the Delta program take it.” G. Fletcher, Boeing Delta Launch Vehicle Program

The course consists of six half-day lectures as outlined below. Course material includes a copy of all lecture charts plus an Excel spreadsheet for calculating launch and interplanetary trajectories and their propellant mass requirements.


Lecture One: Introduction

  • The New Space Age 
  • Applications & Economics 
  • A Short History of Astronomy, Orbital Mechanics, & Rocketry
  • Booster & Launch Vehicle Survey and Performance Data

Lecture Two: The Rocket Equation

  • Powered Flight & Delta-V Requirements
  • Derivation & Application of Rocket Equation
  • Staging – Concept, Analysis, and its Ugly Secret

Lecture Three: Orbital Mechanics

  • Fundamental Principles & Equations
  • Orbit Calculations
  • Orbital Transfer 
  • Orbital Plane Change

Lecture Four: Launch Vehicle Analysis

  • General Equations of Motion
  • Flight Within an Atmosphere – Subsonic, Supersonic, & Hypersonic
  • Guidance Strategies

Lecture Five: Propulsion Options

  • Chemical (liquid, solid, & hybrid)
  • Air Breathing
  • Electric, Nuclear, & Exotic 

Lecture Six: Components & Design Case Studies

  • Structures & Mass Properties
  • Guidance & Systems
  • Design Case Studies 


Not currently scheduled for Public Presentation. Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC to encourage scheduling a public presentation.


Contact Aircraft Design Research LLC for a price quote and schedule availability. 

Site Content is Copyright © 2025 by D.Raymer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 
This includes the Course Outline above, which may NOT be used by others for preparing a class or a request for bids to teach such a class.